Kryon - Blue Gold
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Blue Gold

cd cover Roberto Rusconi and Valentino Borgia are Kryon. Inspired by the declaration by the United Nations of 2003 as the International Year for Freshwater, they have put together this record to bring attention to the world's water problems.

They composed all the music themselves, but count on singers and rappers, such as Ursula Rucker, juny kp!, Napoleon Maddox, Papa Winnie and Sara Alba, and on an original remix of a Marisa Monte song ('�gua tamb�m � mar'), to point out the different aspects of the aquatic state and in this way provide a holistic view of the issues involved.

It is this compositional structure that is both a blessing and a curse on a musical level, as it succeeds in unifying the project despite the disparate character of the guests but can sound stifling when the record is taken as a whole, due to the wild differences between the guests. Although there are tracks that stand out, such as "Mina de vida" that juxtaposes Sara Alba's wonderful voice and the drum-and-bass rhythm background and to a lesser degree, on a lyrical level "�gua" and 'watermare' and '25 Thousands' on a polemical and motivational level, the rest of the tracks do not really stand up to repeat listens.

The second problem with Blue Gold is that there is a sense of a rushed project throughout. There are typos, no translation of the Brazilian lyrics and a few mistakes in the English translation that could have been avoided, especially on a project that aspires to bigger things.

The decision to invest or not in acquiring this record, is all down to whether you feel charitable (since a euro from every CD sold will be given to UNICEF projects), whether you are interested in discovering new voices that you are unaware of, such as Sara Alba and Napoleon Maddox, through the easy introduction of a compilation or whether you are interested in ambient projects of a similar musical nature. In each of those cases, Blue Gold is good enough to pass the test. Otherwise, though, you are better advised to look for music that would be more inspired and more original elsewhere. - Nondas Kitsos

Listen to some excerpts from the entire recording.

CD available from cdRoots

There is a web site about this project

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