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Arakne Mediterranea

cd cover Tretarante has the raw energy of a well-captured field recording. The twelve-piece Arakne Mediterranea has a lusty, fearless sound. Included here are tarantellas, pizzicas, serenatas, and other traditional forms. The vocals are rough-hewn, with an open camaraderie and the instrumentation consists of guitar, mandolin, fiddle, flute and lots of percussion. It all comes together with the spirit of a community project. This is a party of equals; no one member dominates the proceedings.

"Pizzicarella mia"
Each track highlights a different singer or group of singers or a different instrumentalist. In one of the most irresistible tracks, "Lu Sule," violinist Francesco Del Prete has some sweet, danceable interplay with flutist Gianluca Milanese. Milanese gets to shine on "Pizzicarella mia," in which he goes off into an uncharacteristic but dazzling minor-key jam. On the ballad "Klama," an uncredited female vocalist sings with a boldness and emotional conviction that more than make up for her somewhat ragged voice. This is fresh, honest, unaffected music. - Peggy Latkovich

Song "Pizicarella mia" (c) 2000 CNI Music, Italy

Available at cdRoots

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